Sunday, June 20, 2010

So for those of you who have been checking out my blog.. just wanted to say thank you. Im sad to say my adventures in Nepal have come to an end.... I guess the adventures will just have to continue over here in the US. That is the trick.. finding that sense of excitement in your homeland. That balance. Its challenging but I have to continue to keep that sense of spontaneity.

As I landed in NY, I thought... "I dont really get culture shock" but soon enough, I was proven wrong, after a day of walking around the city and then by 9 at night in times square dealing with a slight anxiety attack. The lights, people, claustrophobia and exhaustion had hit me hard. I love that city, but I was being far too aggressive! I heard that one night of the electricity used in NYC could provide Nepal energy for 5 years. That is pretty gross~

Happily, days later, Im sitting on the deck in Vermont.. just made a cherry crisp, enjoying fresh fresh food and clean air... Now time to make some choices as I have been literally plopped back into this other land. Time to figure out where to live, work and everything else... but...Nepal was worth it.

If interested, continue to stay posted with my business... thats now my focus...

