Sunday, August 30, 2009

Teej Festival

I was excited to arrive in Kathmandu, just in time for the annual Teej Festival. It is a three day fasting festival for Hindu women. Married women observe Teej fast to honor Lord Shiva and wish their husband a long and healthy life. Unmarried girls also par take in the fast and pray for a good husband. All of the women wear red, to enhance success.
I spent the day wandering the holy area, people watching, and dodging the afternoon monsoon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Annie! I assume you were wearing red, honoring Shiva and hoping for a good husband, too? We miss you! Keep the sweet pics coming, they're SO beautiful. BTW, it turns out that my friend Paul Dryer (dude who works for dragons sometimes) is arriving in Kathmandu soon as well. you may already be aware of this, but I just found out. If you don't have his info, his blog is:
    and his other info is:
    Paul Dreyer

    stay safe over there-- how's the job?

    Big Love, Steve
