Wednesday, March 31, 2010

so it is day 4 of the photo/painting workshop which i have been co hosting. for those who i havent told, im co leading a 16 day art workshop which you should check out.

I serendipitously met this woman from England who currently lives in Kathmandu. She and I clicked and she just happened to be looking for someone to teach photography. Its working well so far! We've been cruising around the city with camera and sketch book in hand.
so as i was walking home today i saw a disturbing sight... a young teenage boy was just sitting in a pile of trash, eating raw meat straight off the bone. another boy was beside him in an oversized coat, ragged pants and what looked like a pitch fork in hand. they were both completly crazy. the guy with his pitch fork was running around trying to gain control over this other boy, just knawing at raw meat and eating anything he could gets his hands on. it was awful to see. dogs were barking which caused them to eventually run away down the dusty streets. minutes later they were gone and then a cow came along to take its seat in the pile of trash.
this is the sad reality of kathmandu at times.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Traditional Newar Baby Massage

i adopted a baby!! haha just kidding...
as part of wild earth's service work, all 15 co workers and i went to a local orphanage to teach and offer traditional newari baby massage. our trained therapist is an incredible healer and led the demonstration. within 3 hours, we massaged 40 orphan babies. its volunteer work to promote the power of touch and massage. traditionally, newar babies are massaged twice a day for the first two years of their lives.. both in the morning sun and at night beside a fire. we used mustard oil which is used due to its warming effect on the body. it was a great experience and somthing which we will take part in every few months.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Went to a place called Parping which is about an hour from the city. Its a special place where a lot of Buddhist monk go for retreat. The photo of the cave is where one monk lived and meditated for over 15 years.

Weekend Getaway

day trip

here are some photos of a random little day trip to a village outside kathmandu...

The Mind

I went to see one of the Rinpoches speak about the mind. He was using an image of a flower to test our concentration and allow for new methods of meditation.

training with Sashi

Here are a few photos of my co worker and I documenting Wild Earth's foot and head treatments!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

stomach bug

ahhh the stomach bug hits me again....
bed bound, missing the sanitation which we take for granted