Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Traditional Newar Baby Massage

i adopted a baby!! haha just kidding...
as part of wild earth's service work, all 15 co workers and i went to a local orphanage to teach and offer traditional newari baby massage. our trained therapist is an incredible healer and led the demonstration. within 3 hours, we massaged 40 orphan babies. its volunteer work to promote the power of touch and massage. traditionally, newar babies are massaged twice a day for the first two years of their lives.. both in the morning sun and at night beside a fire. we used mustard oil which is used due to its warming effect on the body. it was a great experience and somthing which we will take part in every few months.

1 comment:

  1. i love this! i want to try it on tilly & tatum!
    stupid question, but is it purely for relaxing babies?
    i love your blog xoxo
