Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I went to a yoga class yesterday and was glad that I had some previous experience seeing it was pretty intense. He told me to sit cross legged in front of him, leaving about 2 inches between us. He immediatly asked me, "What is yoga?" With as straight of a face as possible and as best as I could, I responded..grateful that I knew a bit about the philosophy. I suppose he has been pretty jaded by Westerners wanting to learn yoga, but only being interested in the physical part of it. We sat for about an hour and a half. He asked me about family, life, etc. and how I was really feeling after each breathing exercise. He told me to keep all I am feeling within me because its not to be shared...those are the fruits which we earn and need to enjoy within. So today I will go back am interested to see what it will entail.~ this will be experience in itself.

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