Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mind at ease

Just another protest......

"business trip"

While in Nepal, I have also been connecting with various cooperatives to see what kind of collection I can create to add on to annie O. The other weekend, I met with a fair trade weaving cooperative which creates a variety of products...I had my eye on the silk screening process and block prints. I think that I am going to connect with this group and start making a small collection of handbags. All of the fabric is hand spun and woven. Then they do all of the printing in a small workshop and support a group of women.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In the field...

Got out into the field this past Friday. A co-worker and I took about an hour trip to the outskirts of Kathmandu, to connect with a community forest preserve. Wild Earth is striving to connect with more farmers and support local economies, so we decided to see if we could create a new relationship with this government funded conservation project. We were greeted by three welcoming Nepalis who went out of there way to show us the land and medicinal plants which they have been growing. They were excited to form a relationship as were we. We hiked a ways into the reservation and came across local members from surrounding villages, who were collecting woods and fresh leaves for the upcoming Desai 10 day festival. A few times a year, they open up the park for locals to come and harvest the land. Young boys and girls were pulling down tree trunks and carrying them down with their make shift back packs filled with heavy wooden sticks. The load was far heavier than their weight. The majority were boys who were collecting for the tibetan orphanage which was just a few miles away. They seemed happy as ever. The day was incredible and filled with surprises.


Normally, I am known to be “a walker”. I love it. For me its also a way to clear my mind and serves as meditation. While living in Kathmandu, I have been forced to change this activity. Rather than walking for pleasure, it seems I often do it to get to my destination. As sad as that seems, its just tough on the lungs and outright dangerous. I was walking home the other night and almost got taken out by a scooter. They were drunk and didn’t see me. It looked as though they were actually going out of there way to hit me. They swerved and hit the pavement… The bike hit the ground. I was wearing flip flops and have tire marks on my toes to prove!

Tibetan Japeche Massage

Just when I was feeling antsy while sitting in front of my computer, I hear “annie, would you like to come for a foot massage??!!” I popped out of my chair and ran into Sashi's spa training room. It is filled with beautiful dark wood and three trainees who were ready to give us traditional Sampa and salt foot massages. They were being trained so we were asked to give "feedback!" The first treatment was Sampa, which is a combination of artemesia oil, followed by ground barley which is used to exfoliate and rid any toxins. Today we used a combination of pink Himalayan salt, herbs, and artemesia oil. I was in heaven. I can now work a bit faster!!

"The history of Tibetan healing is as fascinating as the colorful turquoise, amber and coral jewels that the women drench and decorate their hair and bodies with".

My boss, Carroll has a beautiful way of story telling. She has a way with her words which create incredible imagery. Within Wild Earth they also offer a training for traditional tibetan Japeche massage. I am going to try to fit this course in and learn all about traditional Tibetan healing techniques (and massage)...its so fascinating.

Puja ceremony at work

Stomach is filled with potatoes, tumuric, wheat tortillas and black tea with milk. No the most nutritious but it is satisfying to some degree. Today was a hindi holy day, where we blessed all of the machinery. I know…sounds random but that is what is done. It is a day to bring on the wealth and good luck. The staff called me downstairs to take a look. They had a whole spread of bananas, sweet fruit, coconut, red and yellow powders, candles, incense, sweet rolls, and more. They ring the bells and sprinkle powder, rice, and stick it on all items with sugar water or curd. They blessed everything from kitchen knives to our gaurdsmen’s bicycle. A classic moment. Then they blessed each one of us by placing a red dot on our forehead. I was apparently wished to find a nepali husband!! Vacation mindset is in the air. With one more week until the desain 10 day break, people are distracted and walking around with a bounce in their feet.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Secret to a long life

Today my yoga teacher reminded me that the secret of a long life is slow and deep breathing. The span of a tortoise for example is almost 250 years, and if we observe, it breathes only 4 times a minute.

I also had a classic moment with my teacher today.....He and I were loosening our facial muscles by laughing and roaring like a lion. I found roaring to be challenging, but had no trouble laughing! The scenario was funny enough!

"Witches in the Kitchen"

At home, trying to ignore my rumbling and confused stomach. Ive been lucky so far. The monsoon rains always make it more inviting to get back to my cozy little flat. Over the past few weeks, Ive been staying busy working at Wild Earth, trying to revamp things to say the least. It feels like Im giving the company a visual make over. The days fly by and there are hidden benefits such as herbal tea which is served to us as we start the day along with a home cooked lunch which usually consists of dahl, rice and some vegetables. We pay about $3 a month for this service!!! Its pretty incredible. Our office is inviting and enjoyable. As Carroll mentioned, Wild Earth is filled with “witches in the kitchen, brewing up recipes which have come from often indigenous knowledge being passed down”. I can smell the scents of herbs being brewed downstairs, which draws me to take short breaks to see what the women are creating. Mothers, daughers, friends of friends work together. The women who cook and clean are now being trained how to perform traditional Janpeche massage, showing a lot about keeping up the employee moral. Everyone is pushed to use their skills and to learn as much as they can. The overall manager has an incredible ability to manage while creating structure, humour, and fluid communication. Prior to him, I have heard Wild Earth has been through a roller coaster of a ride, making me very happy to be joining while I am.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Way to Work

The way to work…. I fight the grey and polluted streets, wearing a scarf around my head to avoid the exhaust and charcoal fumes. Find the micros and tuk tuks which take me to work. 2 different micros…. 10 min walk, 45 min later. I am there. Get excited to reach my office, to smell the essential oils, feel the natural light, open windows, and be surrounded by herbal gardens, grapefruit trees, and sweet sweet co workers. I see the guard rubbing his tired eyes after a late night shift but he still greets me with a sincere namaste.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Indra Jatra Festival

This festival is celebrated by both Hindus and Buddhists and is a festival of classical dances. The festival is named after Lord Indra who is known as the god of rain and also as the king of heaven.

Wild Earth

Here are photos of my new job at Wild Earth Nepal. I have come with few expectations and have been blown away so far. I finally feel that my prior experience is being put to use and my passions are lining up with my work. I must say that is hard to find. The office environment smells of essential oils and is filled with good vibes. Wild Earth is a company which produces handcrafted Himalayan herbal products: herbal soaps, pillows, essential and massage oils and more while working with marginalized farming communities. I have been hired on to increase sales through creative processes.... photographing artisans, product development, re branding, documenting the sourcing, revamping the image...... Its been amazing. I feel welcomed and inspired. Carroll Dunham is the founder and she is an unbelievable woman of creative visions and knowledge.


There was just another protest today...... the burning of coal and tires in a main intersection! This was due to Nepal's Maoists who were protesting over a decision to appoint Indian high priests at the country's holiest Hindu temple.


I went to experience the Indra Jatra Festival, but found myself drawn to the beautiful people in the windows.....


Boudhna, Kathmandu is where I am currently living. An oasis of peace within the chaotic city. Every morning, I am woken up by the Tibetan children across the street, reciting their morning chants. I can smell the incenses and the sounds of the gongs. Im surrounded by Tibetan monasteries. Its magical and peaceful. The moment you walk into Boudhna, people are put at ease. Thoughts of pollution fade. In the evening the locals gather and walk around the stupa. With prayer beads in hand, meditation in mind, it’s a beautiful site to see. I sit on the benches, watching the people walking clockwise around the stupa. It’s a meditation just to watch a flow of people, watching in one fluid direction.