Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Witches in the Kitchen"

At home, trying to ignore my rumbling and confused stomach. Ive been lucky so far. The monsoon rains always make it more inviting to get back to my cozy little flat. Over the past few weeks, Ive been staying busy working at Wild Earth, trying to revamp things to say the least. It feels like Im giving the company a visual make over. The days fly by and there are hidden benefits such as herbal tea which is served to us as we start the day along with a home cooked lunch which usually consists of dahl, rice and some vegetables. We pay about $3 a month for this service!!! Its pretty incredible. Our office is inviting and enjoyable. As Carroll mentioned, Wild Earth is filled with “witches in the kitchen, brewing up recipes which have come from often indigenous knowledge being passed down”. I can smell the scents of herbs being brewed downstairs, which draws me to take short breaks to see what the women are creating. Mothers, daughers, friends of friends work together. The women who cook and clean are now being trained how to perform traditional Janpeche massage, showing a lot about keeping up the employee moral. Everyone is pushed to use their skills and to learn as much as they can. The overall manager has an incredible ability to manage while creating structure, humour, and fluid communication. Prior to him, I have heard Wild Earth has been through a roller coaster of a ride, making me very happy to be joining while I am.

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