Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tibetan Japeche Massage

Just when I was feeling antsy while sitting in front of my computer, I hear “annie, would you like to come for a foot massage??!!” I popped out of my chair and ran into Sashi's spa training room. It is filled with beautiful dark wood and three trainees who were ready to give us traditional Sampa and salt foot massages. They were being trained so we were asked to give "feedback!" The first treatment was Sampa, which is a combination of artemesia oil, followed by ground barley which is used to exfoliate and rid any toxins. Today we used a combination of pink Himalayan salt, herbs, and artemesia oil. I was in heaven. I can now work a bit faster!!

"The history of Tibetan healing is as fascinating as the colorful turquoise, amber and coral jewels that the women drench and decorate their hair and bodies with".

My boss, Carroll has a beautiful way of story telling. She has a way with her words which create incredible imagery. Within Wild Earth they also offer a training for traditional tibetan Japeche massage. I am going to try to fit this course in and learn all about traditional Tibetan healing techniques (and massage)...its so fascinating.

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