Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In the field...

Got out into the field this past Friday. A co-worker and I took about an hour trip to the outskirts of Kathmandu, to connect with a community forest preserve. Wild Earth is striving to connect with more farmers and support local economies, so we decided to see if we could create a new relationship with this government funded conservation project. We were greeted by three welcoming Nepalis who went out of there way to show us the land and medicinal plants which they have been growing. They were excited to form a relationship as were we. We hiked a ways into the reservation and came across local members from surrounding villages, who were collecting woods and fresh leaves for the upcoming Desai 10 day festival. A few times a year, they open up the park for locals to come and harvest the land. Young boys and girls were pulling down tree trunks and carrying them down with their make shift back packs filled with heavy wooden sticks. The load was far heavier than their weight. The majority were boys who were collecting for the tibetan orphanage which was just a few miles away. They seemed happy as ever. The day was incredible and filled with surprises.

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