Thursday, October 29, 2009

Night and Day

Night and Day

I embrace the mornings. My favorite time. Im quiet. I look out my window and see the same women pumping water before she starts her day. The faint sounds of micros buzzing by. When Im lucky, I can hear the Tibetan children chanting their morning prayers. People are quiet, heading down to the stupa to meditate. I watch the sunrise from my bed. I wake up with the sun seeing everyone I am early to bed seeing this part of the city tucks itself in by 9 or 10. The streets at night are empty, only signs of stray dogs and soft sounds from the windows. It feels like a ghost town and its scary to get back home past 12. There is a curfew for the city which seems to be around 12. Bars shut down and if there are traces of people partying too late, the cops come in and send everyone to jail.
Social hour during the week consists of communal yoga and walks around the stupa. Tonight I needed some exercise so I decided to walk around the stupa until my path met up with a really sweet monk. We walked around and around for what seemed to be more than an hour..exchanging stories and enjoying the night. I look forward to this time in Boudha and moments like these. Simple and special.

I keep my hands on the prayer wheels, reminding me to enjoy that moment, enjoying the smells of jasmine and good company.

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