Sunday, October 4, 2009

Helambu Trek

Some highlights....Waking up to watch the sun rise every morning, while drinking milk tea. Trying a snickers momo!
Seeing the villagers peform animal sacrifices for the Desai Festival. I saw about 4 dead buffalo and watched as they dispersed the meat to all of local villagers. Sitting for hours in the low lit tea houses, watching the elders prepare our meals of rice, dahl, and mixed vegetables. There is somthing really special and sacred about Tibetan kitchens. You can stare for hours and then appreciate the details and art within. Sitting by the warm fire after a long day, reading and resting my feet. Waking up to the sounds of bells from the herds of yak which come down from the distant mountains. The views of smoke and incense intertwined with the early morning fog.

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