Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A wake up call

"am i happy" i was asked the other day at work?
well this really struck my core
allowed me to realize what was really bothering me
feeling isolated at work
not able to communicate and hear what is going on
25 nepalis and me
incredible people all around
but literally lost in translation
strangely getting wrapped in my own head and world

so this created a shift
a wake up call
to create sustainabiltiy and a change within Wild Earth
i need to change my energy
get motivated
and learn nepali intensively
it will be that more rich at the end of each day
its dedication
and its time

because i do like my life here
it is simple
it is rich
it allows me to dive into my passions
and read
and do yoga
and live spontaneous days
through monsoons
through dirty commutes

allows me to take buddhist classes with incredible llamas
in beautiful temples
experience hindu puju ceremonies
see religions collide
have dance parties free of alcohol and invite my tibetan neighbors

to wake up to the smells of incense
the faint view of the himalayas
the annoying barking of dogs

its filled with contrasts
its hard
but fulfilling

my tongue is tied and
its time
to unravel
and really immerse
my whole self here at work
so they want me to stay as well as i

its not just productivity which is important here in nepal
its the whole self
my thoughts, my energy, my interactions

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