Sunday, October 4, 2009

The way home via bus roof top

I will spare the details but this was one of the most frightening bus rides Ive experienced in awhile. Due to the Desai festival, everyone and their mother were trying to get back to the city, being the reason I choose to ride the roof top for well over 5 hours. At first it was exciting and exhilerating, but the baking sun, puking children, lack of water, etc. changed my thoughts a bit. I felt so badly for the baby crying beside me, covered in puke and in tears because he had to go to the bathroom so badly. You constantly have to be on gaurd because you could easily get your head taken off by the many low power lines which cross the road. So the ride continued after many of obstacles, including a very close call. Due to the recent rains, there was a huge muddy ditch and our bus almost tipped over. In a panic, everyone started jumping off the roof, including myself. I really bruised up my leg to amplify my shock. Anyways, the bus made it through and I had no choice to get back on. At that time, I was missing the mountains and having little faith in motor vehicles.

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