Saturday, October 10, 2009

Settling in.....

I am surprising myself as I am settling into my life over here in Kathmandu.... Just went to the local nursury and i must say,
it was a funny sight as my roomate and I piled plants on the trolly, trying to balance them over rocky roads, making it back to our flat. Natural light and tons of plants, is all we need to fill in our apartment. Fall is on its way, but the change of weather is faint. The locals ask me if I am cold, and I havent been feeling it yet, making me think that the winter isnt going to be too bad. The biggest challenge will be the power shortage which kicks in within two weeks. We will have about 8 hours of power per day....which has improved from the 4 hours of energy (per day) which they had last year. This is due to the lack of rain fall. During the monsoon season, the rain generates more electricity, but in the winter, the energy is sparce. It is sad, seeing Nepal has incredible potential to gain wealth through hydro power...its just that the government is in shambles. People still seem to be on edge, not knowing how the government will surprise them. I suppose its almost time to invest in some wool blankets and candles.

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